Saturday, November 6, 2010


On the several "Genius Sails" with friends and family this summer I had the chance to sail, be in conversation and witness sunsets with about 20 different people. Each sail we would establish a rhythm- safety instruction, sails ready, start the engine, and off to sail. That was the routine. Then each sail would take on its own personality. However, the one question most often asked was "What is the name of your boat?" For five years no name really seemed to fit. Boat, the boat, meet me at the boat worked well in communicating everything needed to have a great experience on the water. So the defacto name was 'boat'.

I believe the inner voice speaks and when you are listening this is the guidance, the truth-full substance and direction. Staying aligned with that voice is the key to living a life of integrity- with self and others. I wrote earlier about Visioning. As I have taught it, attended lessons on it and have personally used it the last few weeks I am amazed at what comes up when I ask the question 'what is greater idea of (insert area you are visioning for) in my life?". This week, in recognition of this process, the boat name appeared. Whisper

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