Sunday, May 1, 2016

Updated Mindfulness Guided Meditation Links

July 2018 favorite Mindfulness Sites

UCLA Mindful Research Awareness Center

A complete course on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction-  Dave Potter
All guided meditations are on the bottom left side -

Tara Brach - Check out RAIN meditation for self compassion
R- Recognize what is going on
A- Allow the experience to be- as it is
I - Investigate with interest and care
N- Nourish with self compassion

Meditations by Christopher Germer

3 guided meditations from the Self Realization Fellowship- of a more spiritual nature than the others - Peace, Expanding Love, God as Light

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Notes - Words With Meaning

It is difficult to describe the Infinite. Thousands of publications from all faiths try to do it. Stories, metaphors, simile, comparison and interpretations of individual Truth that through words may provide elements of understanding to other people

Recently I have noticed the creation of words that are combination words. I think these are not helpful; they muddy the water.

This post is my humorous noting of muddy words.

Divine Purposefulness - SOM Magazine November 2014
True Self - many sources - dates to 1960's. Begs the question 'what self am I today?'
Going Deeper - attend this event so you can really understand your True Self'

To Be Continued

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction

Communicating ideas that transcend a given belief system has always been an intriguing creative endeavor for me. For someone entrenched in their own belief system, learned from family or previous study or practice the mind can close off to listening and being present to something new- a new view.

I have found this to be true in spiritual and philosophical discussion where I have felt (note I) that the person wanted to communicate their experience as it related to studying a specific practice or under the tutelage of a given spiritual principle or teacher. It is in these circumstances that I start thinking to myself, 'I want to talk about the glory of 'it', of 'life itself', of your experience, not of how someone taught you to experience it.

And in that vein I am attracted to the Mindfulness work and its going wider stream in public workshops and workplaces. Mindfulness groups, or Mindfulness based stress reduction programs focus on the techniques and outcomes of greater focus, attentiveness, peace when developing and continuing a Mindfulness practice. The benefits listed are identical to those listed as benefits in having a steady meditation practice, with one main difference. Mindfulness consciously avoids explanations and wording that imply or connote having a spiritual or religious experience.

Secondly Mindfulness programs always include language on science based techniques for greater relaxation. With brain activity now trackable with scan technology (cite source) you can successfully argue that Mindfulness techniques give the brain outcome as practices meditators.

I am now tracking web and local sources of tools and descriptions for Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction for individuals and in the workplace. Here are my top (eventually to be a top 10 list)

1. UCLA Meditation Center- Several to guide you online.

2. Krame Center at Ramapo College runs 1/month free intro to mindfulness talks and practice. Sign up for their newsletter.
next intro evening is Feb 25- flyer here à

3. Search Inside Yourself - a group started at Google that has expanded- interested in bringing mindfullness (meditation without a spiritual tone) into corporations.

4. John Kabat-Zinn study course -
short start from his bio- "Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D. is internationally known for his work as a scientist, writer, and meditation teacher engaged in bringing mindfulness into the mainstream of medicine and society. He is Professor of Medicine emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, where he founded its world-renowned Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Clinic (in 1979)"

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Music Favorites List

Music that fills the room and the mind. Conducive to moving, chanting, inspiring.
Check back for more updates

Long Tracks with Rhythm-
Gabrielle Roth- 5Rhythms
Enigma- The Cross of Changes, MCMXC a.d.
Heartland- Tim Wheeter
Deep Forest- Deep Forest
Moodswings- by Moodfood

African Beat & World
Drums of Passion- Babatunde Olatunji
Baka- Outback

Native American
Sacred Earth Drums- David & Steve Gordon

Chakra Tones Resonance-
Edgar Cayce Sounds for Meditation- Jim Commander
Vibration of Singing Bowls- Crystal Voices
Xumantra- 'Healing Bells' and 'Singing Bowls' - use for peaceful sleep

Kirtan and Other Inspiration-
Flow of Grace, Door of Faith- Krisha Das
Awakening, Enchanted- Robert Gass & Wings of Song
Moola Mantra & Others- Deva Premal
Unplugged- Wah!

Monday, March 26, 2012

An Affirmative Prayer on Love and family

I know there is One Life, One Idea that I know as Spirit. Right here and now I stand as part of It. Just as the Infinite stars shine, I stand here as part of the same Divine Universe. I embrace this power as my power. I embrace this connection to Life as my life and celebrate in joy this great Unity with the Divine.

From this place I now claim the peace and perspective of Love in all aspects of my family life. I recognize the individuality in every member of my family and from this highest point of view I celebrate every breath, every thought and every conversation with them. Anything that may seem like an objection to life or disharmony I bring back together in my thinking. For there is only One Life in play here; That is the life of Love. The love that lifts up all relationships and the sacredness of each life. I move forward in this sacred view with every word, with ever thought and celebrate my experiences and interactions with all.

I am grateful to see and experience the laughter, Love and joy of relating to my family. I am grateful for the diversity it holds and with my new and improved sight I hold and cherish each person as an expression of the One Life. Knowing that I speak this I know that the Law embraces my word and it is done completely, now.   And So It Is.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Live and Archived Video, Audio at New Thought Centers

Using both streaming and archived technology there are many sources where you can watch or listen to weekly messages:
North Hollywood New Thought - Rev James Mellon
New Thought Philadelphia- Rev Bill Marchiony and Rev Dave Schpok
Chicago Center for Spiritual Living- Bohde Center- founder, former lead minister Rev Mark Anthony Lord on YouTube
CSL Kansas City- Rev Chris Michaels- sample talk or sign up for regular video/audio
Agape International Spiritual Center- Rev Michael Beckwith- streamed live; on demand available
Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, Encinitas, CA- Dr Chris Sorensen
CSL North Jersey, West Orange, NJ; Rev Michelle Wadleigh- audio
Center for Spiritual Living Los Angeles- Rev John M. McLean- audio

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why Men Hate Going To Church- David Murrow

Published in the "Following Faith" section of the 4 November 2011 Salt Lake Tribune, the blogger Peggy Fletcher Stack cites the new revision of the 2005 book, "Why Men Hate Going to Church" by David Murrow.
The top reasons...
1. A bad experience like they had as a kid.
2. Loss of control.
3. That they'll get stuck with some weirdo.
4. That someone might think they're gay.
5. That they'll become “soft”.
6. That church is too tough on single guys.
7. That people will think they're "not getting much sex."
8. The church is full of hypocrites.
9. That all the church wants is money.
10. They're jealous of their wives' attachment to Jesus
11. The behavioral standards are too high.
12. They're afraid of heaven.

Fascinating...I'll have to check out the book just to see where and how he did his research.