Friday, November 19, 2010

Statistical Study on Benefits of Meditation

The Shambhala Mountain Center conducted a study of 60 people on the subject of meditation. Half of the group went through an intense training and practice of meditation for three months. The other half were on the backup list for the intense training but did not participate in the training. (see article in Nov 19 Huffington Post)

Researchers from UC Davis designed the study and performed tests on both groups before, half way through and at the end of the three months. The results are now appearing in peer reviewed journals.

Some of the benefits of meditation are in this quote. Read the whole article for more source information and details on the study. This will become required reading for my students.
Tonya Jacobs, a scientist at UC Davis's Center for Mind and Brain, has just reported (on-line in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology) that meditators show improved psychological well-being, and that these improvements lead to biochemical changes associated with resistance to aging at the cellular level. Specifically, an analysis of meditators' white blood cells showed a 30 percent increase in an enzyme called telomerase, a chemical essential to the long-term health of the body's chromosomes and cells.

The scientists emphasize that meditation does not lead directly to cellular health and longevity. Instead, the practice appears to give people an increased sense of meaning and purpose in life, which in turn leads to an increased sense of control over their lives and to less negative emotion. This cascade of emotional and psychological changes is what regulates the levels of telomerase, the anti-aging enzyme.

Positivity appears to be the link between meditative practice and a variety of health benefits. In a study scheduled for publication in the journal Emotion, UC Davis psychological scientist Baljinder Sahdra is reporting that meditation leads to a decrease in impulsive reactions -- another health improvement linked to psychological positivity. Impulsivity has been tied to an array of health problems, including addictions and other risky behavior.

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