Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hugh Prather III

In the later 80's I was in a search for meaning and found "Notes to Myself' on a bookstore shelf. Hugh Prather's writing provided insight and peace. He wrote about his thoughts, family and motivation in life, work and relationships. This was years before I had my own understanding so I was grateful for his writing. His book "How to Live in the World and Still be Happy" helped me realize that I am always in choice in what I think. In the early 90's I sent him a letter through his publisher. Three of four months later he called and wanted to know how he could help. We spoke about my topic and he provided suggestions. Today I still have ten of his books on my shelf; each one with pages dog earred as they were my most early resource and connection to the Universe as love, poetry, peace and meditation.
Hugh Prather made his transition on November 15 at age 72 while in his Hot Tub. Obituary and photo

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Shadow and Light

A past experience- thought stuck in old beliefs
Unspoken words, situations unresolved
It's age independent

The Universe wants to express
To expand and create more
Since It lives only as now it can hold no grudge

Any thing stuck
Anything appearing as shadow
Emerges differently when the light shines

Dark and unknown has a new appearance
New insights, new angles are revealed
A new way of seeing things

Living fully illuminated
Living free
Today I shine the light

The Present- Thought for the Day

A byline I saw
Make the most of today. Time waits for no man. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a  gift. That's why it is called the present. 

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Universe Notes- 5 Tips

On Sunday our Foundations class hosted a workshop to teach and model Affirmative Prayer. I am reminded of these 5 tips that I note about the Universe. I offer them as both explanation and inspiration on how It works and how to use It.
Tip #1. We live in a creative Universe-
Galaxies are being created. The Universe continues to expand. This means that whenever you feel faced with a challenge, remember there is a way to move through it and expand into a new idea. Any situation that feels too much is ready for a new perspective; a new thought.
Tip #2. Picture the experience of what you desire.
Stay out of 'I gotta do ____' thinking. Stay out of the 'what' and focus on the experience you want to create. For example "I want to experience more harmony in my life". When you focus on the experience you remain open to all of the different ways that harmony can appear. You are relieved of having to know every step right now. That will come as you continue to focus on experiencing what you desire.
Tip #3. Affirm support-
The Universe wants us to experience greater good in our living. How do I know that? Look at the ways people and groups innovate. From where they are today (the present) they find new ways and alternatives to have the new invention (tomorrow). That is the process of creation. There resources from the Universe are always present; they are never hidden. Our work is to release any block or old idea of 'no options' or 'can't do this' and open our minds to the new idea. That's the way creativity works.
Tip #4. Transform a Challenge-
Nature is our model. When you look at nature, observe that things change- just look at every plant, insect, animal and tree. No one expected the caterpillar to change its form into a butterfly. It changed and shifted form. Any situation that might feel lack can be opened up, new options revealed and situations become transformed. It all begins with how you think and what perspective you walk with.
Tip #5. "Listen, Listen, Listen to my heart's song"- Achieving mental clarity and knowing what is right for you comes from the silence. Many access silence through meditation and to listening to the heart, the metaphorical source of the 'inner voice'. The lyrics "Listen, Listen, Listen..." of Yogananda remind me of that. They are put to music by Robert Gass and Wings of Song and can be found on ITunes or Amazon on the 'Songs of Healing" album.

Think about it. Each of these tips is worthy of more description and discussion. I'll come back to that another time.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Statistical Study on Benefits of Meditation

The Shambhala Mountain Center conducted a study of 60 people on the subject of meditation. Half of the group went through an intense training and practice of meditation for three months. The other half were on the backup list for the intense training but did not participate in the training. (see article in Nov 19 Huffington Post)

Researchers from UC Davis designed the study and performed tests on both groups before, half way through and at the end of the three months. The results are now appearing in peer reviewed journals.

Some of the benefits of meditation are in this quote. Read the whole article for more source information and details on the study. This will become required reading for my students.
Tonya Jacobs, a scientist at UC Davis's Center for Mind and Brain, has just reported (on-line in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology) that meditators show improved psychological well-being, and that these improvements lead to biochemical changes associated with resistance to aging at the cellular level. Specifically, an analysis of meditators' white blood cells showed a 30 percent increase in an enzyme called telomerase, a chemical essential to the long-term health of the body's chromosomes and cells.

The scientists emphasize that meditation does not lead directly to cellular health and longevity. Instead, the practice appears to give people an increased sense of meaning and purpose in life, which in turn leads to an increased sense of control over their lives and to less negative emotion. This cascade of emotional and psychological changes is what regulates the levels of telomerase, the anti-aging enzyme.

Positivity appears to be the link between meditative practice and a variety of health benefits. In a study scheduled for publication in the journal Emotion, UC Davis psychological scientist Baljinder Sahdra is reporting that meditation leads to a decrease in impulsive reactions -- another health improvement linked to psychological positivity. Impulsivity has been tied to an array of health problems, including addictions and other risky behavior.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Rev. Michael B on Visioning

This week's Huffington Post included an article by Rev. Michael Beckwith on attracting things into your life.

The metaphors and references to magnetism and vibration can be misleading to some audiences but we sense and witness the effect. I enjoyed his summary enclosed in three points-

To accelerate your magnetic frequency and manifest your vision for your life, you must enter the laboratory of your own mind and soul and evolve through three domains:

(first) Discovering, activating, expressing and promoting your gifts, talents and skills, which attunes you to the law of divine right action;

(second) Moving into a deeper spiritual understanding and practice of working with the laws governing the universe through affirmative prayer, Life Visioning, and visualization, which attune you to the law of attraction;

(third) Practicing meditation and surrender at such a depth that you no longer need to attract anything because you live in alignment with the law of radiance which automatically provides all that is required to sustain you and cause you to flourish.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


On the several "Genius Sails" with friends and family this summer I had the chance to sail, be in conversation and witness sunsets with about 20 different people. Each sail we would establish a rhythm- safety instruction, sails ready, start the engine, and off to sail. That was the routine. Then each sail would take on its own personality. However, the one question most often asked was "What is the name of your boat?" For five years no name really seemed to fit. Boat, the boat, meet me at the boat worked well in communicating everything needed to have a great experience on the water. So the defacto name was 'boat'.

I believe the inner voice speaks and when you are listening this is the guidance, the truth-full substance and direction. Staying aligned with that voice is the key to living a life of integrity- with self and others. I wrote earlier about Visioning. As I have taught it, attended lessons on it and have personally used it the last few weeks I am amazed at what comes up when I ask the question 'what is greater idea of (insert area you are visioning for) in my life?". This week, in recognition of this process, the boat name appeared. Whisper

Monday, November 1, 2010

Visioning, Timing and Force

Teaching the Life Visioning Process, a part of UCSL, ICSL and so well described by its author Rev. Michael Beckwith in "The Life Visioning Process" has sharpened my interest actively listen to what's next, and what is the greatest idea for projects in my life.
I tell my students...the number one idea of using Visioning is to disassociate or separate visioning from 'the to do list'. You will know when it is time to create the list. Just (sometimes a big step) allow it to come into form.

Last week about an hour after completing a Visioning exercise two phrases come to mind. They just came into mind, one after the other. I sat with them for a day to monitor if the idea drifted or diminished. Within 48 hours they seemed right. I believe that each of us has a personal indicator, an internal compass, that brightens whenever we are on a congruent path. One of mine congruency indicators comes as a fast shutter. It is as if a breath of the infinite has swooped in- from mind to emotion to physical. Enough of me trying to describe it. You will have your own indicator.

I used the two phrases to prepare for and to test my work for the week. This led to a week of satisfaction, peace and joy in the preparation and the presentation a new idea. I interpret this as the satisfaction of being personally aligned. The Vision pulled me. The list and the activities came to mind as the Vision unfolded. I am celebrating my amazement and the demonstration of the project.

I encourage you to try Visioning for your life purpose and projects. Aligning passion, purpose and projects is monumental. This works and I am knowing graceful unfolding for each of you.