Saturday, December 11, 2010

Roadmap to Prosperity- part 1

If I were living in the time of the Babylonians I might use cuneiform wedges to communicate meaning. If I were an ancient polynesian and had no written language I might scrape my communication as a petroglyph in the rocks left after Pele revealed herself in volcanic eruption. But I am neither of those so I continue the human tradition of communicating with graphics by using powerpoint.

Life is a series of activities linked together with meaning; successive present moments tied together with intention, activity and result. While teaching Spiritual Economics (SOM 205), I understand the process better now. We start with now (today) and learn to engage the world with a different point of view. Where we are today is based on our history and what we learned and believed up to this point. Where we go is based on our choices in thoughts and the resulting activities going forward. This class is an 8 week Roadmap to Prosperity as mapped in the diagram below.
This evolution of this process proceeds from left to right. Source, G-d, Spirit provides unlimited supply and our work is to allow that understanding to propagate throughout our thinking and our lives. When we align our thinking to see the abundance and release old ideas of lack, don't have, I-can't and limitation.
You can begin today with a T diagram and do a + / - analysis of where you see fullness and abundance in your thinking and (that's the plus) and identify the times where you see the limitation. As an example, I see the abundance when I walk in nature. It is a reminder of the many forms of expression possible and is visible in the different types of trees, roving animals, shapes of leaves and clouds...just to name a few An example of minus would be this statement, "I have two good friends. Whenever I try to have four or five friends my life fills with drama and I come back to two good friends" or "I make $ x. I can't imagine making two times that much money."
From the T diagram, the work begins in releasing the minus. Affirmations and affirmative prayer are good ways to plant the seeds for a new idea. Understanding your thoughts on faith is critical as well. In the Roadmap (at the top by the word Faith) the Universe and the individual are in the same circle. The dashed line signifies the openness and infiniteness of the Universe. Faith is the knowing that as an individual you are unfolding to recognize yourself as part of that infinite possibility. In faith you release ideas of lack and limitation and see your revealing of alignment to source.
We use imagination techniques to create a mental picture of the life of abundance and prosperity we desire. With visualization you can mentally picture the different elements of your expanded abundant life. What are you doing? Where do you live?  What are you doing for work and enjoyment? Who are you doing it with? By paying attention to what you desire and remembering the feelings of that experience you are painting a picture of what your new experience will be. The other imagination method for is to do a meditation on the question, 'What is my life of prosperity?' After that process make notes on the Vision and the Visualization and let them grow in your mind. Affirm them both for the seeds of prosperity continue to be planted.
In part 2 I will highlight the rest of the picture. It is a Roadmap to Prosperity and your New Spiritual Economy.

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