I know there is One Life, One Idea that I know as Spirit. Right here and now I stand as part of It. Just as the Infinite stars shine, I stand here as part of the same Divine Universe. I embrace this power as my power. I embrace this connection to Life as my life and celebrate in joy this great Unity with the Divine.
From this place I now claim the peace and perspective of Love in all aspects of my family life. I recognize the individuality in every member of my family and from this highest point of view I celebrate every breath, every thought and every conversation with them. Anything that may seem like an objection to life or disharmony I bring back together in my thinking. For there is only One Life in play here; That is the life of Love. The love that lifts up all relationships and the sacredness of each life. I move forward in this sacred view with every word, with ever thought and celebrate my experiences and interactions with all.
I am grateful to see and experience the laughter, Love and joy of relating to my family. I am grateful for the diversity it holds and with my new and improved sight I hold and cherish each person as an expression of the One Life. Knowing that I speak this I know that the Law embraces my word and it is done completely, now. And So It Is.