Friday, September 24, 2010

The Path of Genius

There is an ease and grace that exists when you are doing something you love. It is your Genius. Henry David Thoreau wrote,
“Go not so far out of your way for a truer life; keep strictly onward in that path alone which your genius points out, do the things which lie nearest to you, but which are difficult to do...”
How simple and clear is his view. These Pennsylvania ducks demonstrate their Genius simply by swimming, navigating and entertaining in the lake. (beautiful sunset optional).

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Robert Bly - A Gathering of Men

The PBS Bill Moyers 1990 classic interview with poet Robert Bly. Bly uses poetry and myth to interpret living life as a man.
Click here to go to PBS site and view-

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Healing Statement of Truth

New Thought is a philosophy of mental healing of anything that is discord. Ernest Holmes wrote this spiritual mind treatment (healing prayer).
There is peace, a Divine harmonious, dynamic, creative action at the center of my being. Every breath I draw, every beat of my heart, is the perfect rhythmic action of Life Itself. The expression of the One Perfect Life in me as me is now perfectly maintaining every atom, cell, and organ of my body.

My body is a Divine idea in the Mind of God and no thing, no situation or condition can prevent Its full and complete expression in and as me. God created my body, knows how to maintain it, to remove what doesn't belong, and to rebuild it. This is occurring right now. Without reservation I know I now manifest and experience in all fullness and completeness God's perfect idea of me, and in all respects, every action, function, and structure of my body now conforms to it. There is perfect assimilation, circulation, and elimination. All that I am is one with the One Perfect Life. All the joy there is, all the happiness, all the beauty are now mine. I am born of the Spirit. I am in the Spirit. I am the Spirit made manifest.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Chicago New Thought New World- Rev Dr Kenn Gordon

Rev. Dr Kenn Gordon leads the International Centers for Spiritual Living. At the Tuesday evening of the New Thought New World conference held in Chicago at the end of July Dr Kenn gave an inspiring talk on the power of the New Thought philosophy to help our world. I find it to be a simplifying view of how all the New Thought branches are really speaking the same message and how this philosophy can move ahead in this world as a global movement.

New Thought (Unity, Divine Science, Religious Science, INTA, AGNT ) has a long history of activity in Chicago. Emma Curtis Hopkins (1849-1925) opened a University in Chicago to teach metaphysics and mental healing techniques. The first 11:30 minutes are an introduction of Dr Kenn and a calling up to the stage of all the New Thought Chicago area Ministers.

Dr Kenn's talk is titled "The World Needs a New Thought". begins at 11:30.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rev Maggie's Legacy

I had the joy and opportunity to travel to Souhampton, NY and speak at the New Thought Spiritual Center of Eastern Long Island (here)

This group is locoated 110 miles east of NJ and in a beautiful area of nature, sand and ocean. Started by Rev Marguerite Lewis and continued by others after 'Maggie' made her transition, her legacy remains with this list of fine Science of Mind statements. They are short and crisp reminders of the New Thought Philosophy. Thank you Nick and everyone for your warmth and gracious hospitality.
“It is done unto you as you believe”
“Right where the pain is—God is”
“Short prayers pierce Heaven”
“Celebrate your epiphanies!”
“God don’t make no junk”
“Do not futurize your good!”
“Clarify before you Unify”
“Harmony is Heaven’s first law”
“That which I am seeking is seeking me”
“Act like a bouncer at the gate of your thoughts”
“Argue for your limitations and that is what you’ll get”
“The Spirit that has brought me this far will take me the rest of the way”
“Don’t tell God how big your problems are—tell your problems how big your God is”
“There is not a disease to be healed, but a perfect being to be revealed”
“We learn through inspiration or desperation. It is up to us.”
“There is not something to do, there is something to know”
“Everything that comes to you, comes to bless you”
“Thought + Feeling = Demonstration”
“Do not ask for success and prepare for failure”
“God is always home, it is we who take a walk”