Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Parenting with Spirit

I like how Unitarian Universalists (UU's) organize and create their youth education programs. They have a well developed curriculum and many churches have a full time Director of Religious Education and a formal year long 'coming of age' program for teens. They also teach about human sexuality and responsibility in the OWL (Our Whole Lives) curriculum. It is impressive.

This spring I took a course at the local UU Society and today found the blog on UU Parenting . Written by Michelle Richards, it covers a diverse set of topics applicable to families of any faith. Families who support their children in the developing their spiritual awareness create great opportunities to share experiences that enrich family life. In the April 26 topic, "Spiritual practices for children and youth" Ms. Richards points out how youth and teens have different methods of processing their spiritual essence and provides suggestions on how parents can integrate practices into their family life. Take a read and see what fits for you and your family.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Re-creation

This dawn I am reminded of the re-creation story where out of dormancy nature comes alive and springs forth in color and grand form. This is my favorite time of year and each year I witness and participate in re-creation. I walk in amazement.

The process became visible nearly a month ago when the silver maples showed their red buds and contrasted new growth with white snow. It continued as the bulbs pushed up through the ground and last weekend the yellows of forsythia moved from green to yellow to brighter yellow. Every day each leaf comes alive as it remembers its beauty in color and shape. The deer who last month dug through snow looking for food now browse the woods in the abundance and opportunity of new branches.

Oh Divine Mind, my mind, One Mind.
Today I see, today I know the joy of re-birth
The joy of re-creation
Like the sap moving to the tree top
My mind flows with great creativity and inspiration
I participate in the beauty of this world
Seeing its abundance I claim this abundance as mine
I am grateful for this re-creation
And know this is the Divine in motion
This is the Divine Life. This is my life.
And So It is. Amen.